Why do we like vintage t-shirts?

Antonio D. |
The delightful experience of printing vintage t-shirts and being part of a timeless style.
We live in an era where visual noise overwhelms us everywhere we look.
Just by entering social media, we are bombarded with ads and people “demanding” how we should dress.
They tell us: "If you're over 30, don't wear this kind of clothing," or "If you're over 40, you shouldn't wear these types of t-shirts."
We're tired of being told by social media how we should dress and that we need to follow trends.
Fashion is something that simply repeats among the masses. Large industries use it to create clones without their own identity, subtly pushing the idea that we should resemble someone who doesn't even care about us.
We simply don't like fast fashion. Enough with the pollution!
Nissimoo has always been drawn to things that are ageless, unique styles, and the freedom to be whoever you want to be.
Vintage t-shirts are the best way to express everything that an era represented, but that in some way has been forgotten.
When we design a t-shirt, we always consider important aspects such as colors, size, and artwork, but we also use a secret sauce so that the design doesn’t look like just another one: vintage textures.
We love adding our personal touch to the designs, simulating tears, cracks from age, wear from use, or empty spaces to reflect that the t-shirt has a story and has lived many adventures with you.
The handmade t-shirts are screen-printed, which involves a very artisanal process that we carry out faithfully, just as it was done 50 years ago.
On the other hand, the made for you approach aims to reduce pollution, minimize unused inventories, warehouse storage, and overproduction in printing.
You can easily recognize a vintage t-shirt; just ask yourself this: if you took a photo with that t-shirt today and looked at it in 30 years, would you feel embarrassed because you wore that trend, or would you feel happy because you still have the same style?